American Monitor

Commentary on the United States of America and Related Topics


Commentary on news and events that affect American lives.

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Inclusive language in Spanish- a court interpreter’s viewpoint

Spanish and other binary-gender languages have come under attack lately for a supposed “lack of inclusivity” since they work off a masculine/feminine gender paradigm. As a growing number of people no longer identify as male nor female and insist on using “them/they” pronouns, terms like “LatinX”, are becoming commonplace in English as they are purportedly…

Has science debunked the Bible?

I have many acquaintances who are atheist. Most say they believed in God at one time, but now they no longer do, or have too many unresolved doubts about God’s existence. In talking with them, I have found that the prevalence of evil and suffering in the world, faith-shattering personal experiences, gross hypocrisy of many…

What’s the Problem with The Sound of Freedom?

I’ve heard the argument that people feel that the Sound of Freedom is “Q-Anon” conspiracy stuff. Really? If you’re one of the people denying that the type of kidnappings depicted in the movie don’t happen, I can’t really be polite about it, you’re an idiot.

Self-Defense to some, murder to others

Based on the description above many people who understand the laws of self defense would deduce that this was a justifiable use of force, its self-defense. However, a jury in Austin Texas just convicted Daniel Perry of MURDER.


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